Video: Hand-Cut Dovetails - The Rob Cosman Approach

Video: Hand-Cut Dovetails - The Rob Cosman Approach
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This is our first production with a real student being taught on camera. Dave represents the average student that attends my workshops who has never cut a dovetail joint before. Dave makes this the perfect setting to teach you my "new" dovetail marking technique using my saw-tooth marking knife. If you have yet to master the hand cut dovetail, this video will get you where you want to be.
Running Time: 2 hours and 30 minutes
Available as a single DVD or on demand streaming
As difficult as well made hand cut dovetails can be, I'm extremely pleased with your approach. It's simple, logical, and makes each step as easy as I've seen. I'm looking forward to spending much more time and energy directed toward practicing. You seem to have made dovetailing easy! Soon I'll be proceeding into dovetails further. Best I can do is: Thank You!!
I am greatly enjoying it and find it to be the best instructional video on dovetails. Highly recommend it.
I have all three of Rob's Dovetail DVD's and to include his shop copy book, this is the latest and by far the best.
Clear yet detailed instruction. Excellent teaching skills coupled with clear and close up camera work! Highly recommend!
Very easy to watch and learn from and by keepng this video handy, when I screw up, I can re-watch exactly where I'm having a problem and get it straightened out.
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