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Rob's SawStop Favourites

Rob's SawStop Favourites

A SawStop is a must in my opinion, putting the safety features aside I think it is the best made table saw on the market today. Here are the accessories I add to mine, and I would highly recommend them to anyone. I've attached links where possible so you don't have to wonder if you're getting the same thing as me.

  • The throat plate on a SawStop is a bit of a shortcoming, but by installing this ZCI (Zero Clearance Insert) by Infinity Tools you can easily overcome that.
  • This is the blade that I use 90% of the time on my saw. It always rips well, and when its sharp I get very clean crosscuts. To be sure that I always have a nice sharp blade I've bought 2 spares that can always be in my holster ready to go.
  • I only use feather-boards if I'm doing a lot of repetitive work, so you won't see me using these a lot, but I highly recommend them. The magnetic system is so convenient that I even use them on my jointer. They sell a larger one that I also use, but this model will get the job done.
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